Research design and methods
The Tromsø Study is an ongoing population-based cohort study, which aims to enrol adult residents of Tromsø municipality in Northern Norway.21 Seven surveys have been completed since the study began in 1974; this paper analyses data from the fourth (Tromsø4) and seventh (Tromsø7) surveys conducted in 1994–1995 and 2015–2016, respectively. At each survey, participants received two self-administered questionnaires collecting data on demographic, health history/status and behavioural data. Participants also attended a physical examination visit where anthropometric measurements and blood samples were collected. For Tromsø4 only, laboratory measurement of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was limited to a subsample of participants in an extended survey consisting of all participants aged 55–74 and between 5% and 10% of participants aged 25–54 and 75–85. Data from intermediate surveys, Tromsø5 (2001) and Tromsø6 (2007–2008), were not used as only a subset of the population was invited to participate in these surveys (see online supplemental figure 1).
Study participants
All residents aged 25 or older at enrolment (born before 1970) were invited to participate in Tromsø4; 27 158 individuals agreed to take part in the study, resulting in a 77% participation rate among the target population excluding individuals who had moved or died prior to the study. At Tromsø7, all residents aged 40 or older at enrolment were invited to participate; 21 083 individuals agreed to take part in the study (65% participation rate).
Of the 27 158 participants enrolled in Tromsø4, 12 686 (46.7%) also participated in Tromsø7 and consented to have their data used in further research. Of this total, data on sleeplessness exposure, diabetes outcome and included confounders were complete for 10 945 individuals and, after further excluding those with diabetes at baseline (n=70), 10 875 remained for primary analysis (figure 1). 97 participants reported experiencing sleeplessness at least 1–2 times a month but did not provide information on sleeplessness seasonality and were excluded from all secondary analyses of season-specific sleeplessness exposure (n=10 778).
Figure 1Study participant exclusion flow from Tromsø4 baseline.
Exposure measurement
Exposure data on self-reported sleeplessness was collected in Tromsø4 by asking participants ‘How often do you suffer from sleeplessness?’. Possible response options were: ‘never or just a few times a year’, ‘1–2 times a month’, ‘approximately once a week’ and ‘more than once a week’.
Sleeplessness data were dichotomised as a binary variable for the primary analysis. Individuals who selected the least frequent response of ‘never, or just a few times a year’ were classified as not exposed (0) and all other responses were classified as exposed (1). Dichotomisation was required to ensure a sufficient number of cases in the exposed and unexposed groups for subsequent statistical analysis. Sleeplessness exposure categorised per original response options was also retained for sensitivity analyses to contextualise the results from the primary binary exposure variable.
A secondary categorical sleeplessness variable that reflects the impact of seasonal variation in environmental daylight exposure on sleep quality was created from the binary primary exposure variable by further stratifying participants in the exposed (1) group based on their answer to the question: ‘If you suffer from sleeplessness, what time of the year does it affect you most?’. The following possible responses for sleeplessness seasonality were used as the categories for this secondary analysis: ‘no particular time of the year’, ‘especially during the polar night’, ‘especially during the midnight sun season’ and ‘especially in spring and autumn’.
Data for the following covariates were also available: age, sex, body mass index (BMI), daily smoking, time performing hard physical activity, frequency of binge drinking, highest level of education attained, family history of diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidaemia. Values for all covariates were obtained from data collected at Tromsø4, except for education and family history of diabetes which were obtained from Tromsø7, as these variables represent lifelong exposures and more recent data may provide the most accurate reflection of exposure. Participants’ hypertension and dyslipidaemia status were derived from blood pressure and lipid measurements at Tromsø4, respectively. Hypertension was defined based on the mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure of the second and third measurements made during participants’ physical examination. Participants with systolic pressure above 140 mm Hg or diastolic pressure above 90 mm Hg were defined as having hypertension.22 Dyslipidaemia status was defined as having a non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) level of 4.3 mmol/L or greater, based on dyslipidaemia management guidelines by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society.23 Non-HDL-C was calculated as the difference between total cholesterol and HDL-C, both measured from participants’ non-fasting blood samples.
Outcome measurement
A study participant was deemed to have the outcome of interest (incident diabetes mellitus) if at least one of the following applies: (1) self-reports insulin or non-insulin blood glucose-lowering drug usage, (2) self-reports currently having diabetes and (3) HBA1c level of 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) or greater as measured from a collected blood sample.
Data on self-reported diabetic status and antidiabetic drug use were collected in both Tromsø4 and Tromsø7; Tromsø4 data were used to exclude individuals with existing diabetes at baseline, while Tromsø7 data were used to identify incident diabetes cases. The phrasing of the questions on diabetes did not differ between the two waves although a separate, additional response option to specify previous (non-current) diabetic status was available for Tromsø7 that was not included for Tromsø4. Antidiabetic drug use was defined as using either insulin or other blood glucose-lowering drugs (A10A and A10B coded drugs per Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification, respectively).
HbA1c levels were measured from participants’ blood samples collected during their physical examination. These data were collected for 27% of Tromsø4 participants and 99% of Tromsø7 participants; only one HbA1c measurement was conducted for each participant. HbA1c level was used to determine participants’ diabetic status at baseline for cases with available data for this variable; the diabetic status of individuals with no HbA1c data was evaluated based only on self-reported data (antidiabetic drug use and diabetic status).
Statistical analyses
The distribution of binary and categorical covariates was examined by tabulation in the overall cohort and each of the binary sleeplessness exposure groups. Continuous variables were summarised by the mean value and SD. Potential associations between sleeplessness and each categorical covariates were assessed by Pearson’s χ2 test. The unadjusted association between each variable and diabetes outcome quantified as an OR, was examined by univariable logistic regression.
A minimally adjusted model accounting for only age and sex was initially constructed as these variables were considered to be strong a priori confounders. A directed acyclic graph of assumed causal associations between all available variables was constructed (see online supplemental figure 2) to inform the selection of confounders. On this basis, the minimum sufficient adjustment set of confounders included in the final, fully adjusted logistic regression model was: BMI, family history of diabetes, education, daily smoking, time performing hard physical activity, hypertension and dyslipidaemia status.
Additional logistic regression models that include interaction terms were constructed to assess whether the effect of sleeplessness on incident diabetes is modified by sex or age. To ensure a sufficient number of participants in each stratum and avoid data sparsity issues, participants were grouped into the following age bands: <30, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59 and >60. Evidence of effect modification was assessed using the likelihood ratio test (LRT) comparing models with interaction terms specified to those without. A modified version of the final model that includes age as a categorical variable instead of a continuous variable was used as the comparator model for testing interaction by age.
The stability of the SE of the primary exposure coefficient was monitored at each step during model construction to screen for collinearity issues. Linearity of effect was not assumed for ordinal categorical covariates; these variables were included as simple categorical variables in the final model.
For secondary analyses, the same minimally and fully adjusted logistic regression models as described above were respecified with the secondary, season-specific sleeplessness exposure variable instead of the binary sleeplessness exposure variable. A sensitivity analysis was conducted in which sleeplessness was modelled as a categorical variable with exposure classified by the original survey question response options instead of as a binary exposure.
Patient and public involvement
The participants were not involved in the design, conduct or reporting of this secondary data analysis. However, this study is included in the list of ongoing research projects based on the Tromsø study published on the Tromsø study main website and we hope that publication of the results in a peer-reviewed journal will facilitate further dissemination of the findings.