Our study showed that the use of spatial analysis in LF epidemiological studies has progressively increased in recent decades. The expanded use of spatial methods has contributed to a better understanding of disease burden and distribution and contributed to enhanced informed decision-making for elimination strategies. A wide range of spatial methods have been used by researchers, with specific methods applied to address different objectives. Our review provides a helpful framework to guide others working in this field regarding choice of spatial methods when addressing questions regarding prevalence, distribution, hotspots, risk factors or odds of elimination.
Importantly, most studies included in this review demonstrated spatial dependence of LF occurrence, suggesting that spatial models may provide more accurate estimates of disease distribution and association with determinants of infection.2 24 Additionally, the incorporation of spatial structure into complex mathematical models and machine learning models provided important insights into the impact of MDA and the odds of disease elimination.
The uptake of spatial methods varied between LF-endemic regions. Southeast Asia is under-represented compared with the LF burden in region. Among all WHO regions, Southeast Asia presents the highest LF burden, with ~60% of cases between 2000 and 2018,25 yet only 20% of studies identified by our review was from this region. Spatial methods have been widely used for the study of malaria,3 which may have promoted the use of spatial methods in Africa, where endemic areas for both diseases often overlap.26 27 Moreover, spatial methods might have greater value in low prevalence settings, when spatial heterogeneity of LF might intensify.18 28 29 Even though spatial epidemiology can benefit areas of high or low prevalence,2 24 the analytical options that may provide cost-effective high-quality information in low prevalence areas are more limited, justifying the computational and technological demands of spatial methods. Regions that have made significant progress towards LF elimination, such as the Pacific Islands and the Americas7 were over-represented in our review, frequently reporting techniques to identify hotspots of LF, especially in the post-MDA setting.
The spatial modelling studies included in this systematic review demonstrated that careful selection of variables and spatial scale are needed for the models to appropriately represent spatial relationships. Environmental and sociodemographic factors incorporated into the models were initially chosen based on biological and historical plausibility.24 For LF, models focused primarily on gender (males),4 21 29 age (older groups),22 28 30 31 socioeconomics (proxy of poverty),32 33 temperature,34–37 humidity22 38 39 and altitude.22 34 36 37 However, the ability of these variables to predict LF occurrence depends on how variables were represented in the model (ie, temperature may be included as mean minimum temperature, annual mean temperature, day or night land surface temperature, etc), quality of the dataset available and spatial scale of inputs and outputs. Strength and direction of association between variables in models differed when data were analysed at different spatial scales.40 More detailed reports about the spatial data used (eg, spatial resolution, period encompassed), and the process of variable selection, are important to allow comparison and reproducibility of the model and to enable appropriate interpretation of results. This information could benefit future researchers when considering the most suitable variables for their models, and the spatial scale relevant to their study.
The importance of transmission drivers may vary within the same community, between communities and among communities within areas at subnational, national, regional and global scales.34 It is important to understand the impact of this variation when planning public health interventions at different administrative levels. Studies that describe the global distribution of disease burden may benefit from broader analysis, for example, at the national level,25 despite the risk that fine-scale heterogeneity will be missed. Conversely, national or regional programmes that investigate areas of residual transmission would benefit from fine-scale data inputs at the household and/or individual levels to identify small areas to be targeted for action.30 38
Our systematic review has several limitations. First, we only identified a small number of LF studies considering the worldwide distribution of LF, the variety of natural environment and sociodemographic settings with multiple parasite and vectors species and the different stage of elimination programme for each country where LF is endemic. The countries that are represented in the literature are not representative of LF global burden distribution. This highlight the underutilisation of spatial epidemiological methods for LF in areas where they could potentially provide valuable insights into operational decision-making. Second, we found a wide range of spatial methods compared with the low number of papers included in the review and multiple analytical techniques within the same group of methods, possibly because spatial analytics are still being explored for LF. Third, most studies reported the methods employed, but some provided only an incomplete description of how the methods were used or did not provided specific details about the spatial data. Inconsistent and incomplete reporting of methods limited the ability of this systematic review to make standard recommendations for spatial analysis for LF. Lastly, only studies published in English were included.
The strengths of this systematic review include the exhaustive and transparent review search strategy in accordance with the current methodological guidelines, input from experts and included studies that provided a comprehensive depiction of spatial methods used to study LF distribution and elimination efforts. Additionally, we explored the benefits of employing a broad range of spatial methods in the study of LF, especially on low prevalence settings.
In conclusion, our study showed that for LF, spatial analyses and models have provided valuable information and evidence to better define endemic zones, provide more precise estimates of population at risk and enable the stratification of areas by probability of transmission and infection. There are still needs for better quality of remote sensing data, especially in small or remote areas (eg, Pacific Islands), better consensus regarding definition of spatial scale related to population at risk and areas of residual transmission. As countries approach elimination, and LF prevalence continues to decline, identifying hotspots will require more robust surveillance strategies and analytical methodologies. The use of metrics that accurately describe changes in transmission intensity across space and time will be important for the design and implementation of evidence-based control and elimination strategies. The spatial methods identified by this study are also applicable for elimination of other globally important diseases.