To our knowledge, this is the first health-economic model in obesity to incorporate predictions of weight-related complications in a Japanese population. Given the known and marked differences in the aetiology and occurrence of certain diseases compared with Western/Caucasian populations, this work is important to ensure a representative estimation of costs and health benefits in the context of cost-effectiveness analyses in obesity for Japan. These results confirm the need to apply specific prediction models when estimating obesity outcomes in Japanese populations.
The adapted model showed good external validity, showing an increased risk of T2D, OSA, CRC and gout starting from lower BMI levels in Japan compared with Western populations. This pattern has been shown in many studies,33 69 prompting lower BMI cut-off points to define obesity in Asian individuals. The main cause of this has been hypothesised to relate to a differential body-fat disposition, that is, higher fat accumulation around the abdomen and higher total body fat when compared with white European individuals of the same BMI70 explaining the higher risk of T2D and all-cause mortality in Asians.69 71 Other genetic factors, such as craniofacial bony restriction, that is, a shorter cranial base, maxilla and mandible length in Asian compared with Caucasian populations, may explain the higher prevalence of OSA observed even in non-obese individuals.72 Alcohol usage, as well as a work–life imbalance culture in Japan (eg, constant high levels of stress, nightcap drinking), have been referenced previously as a possible explanation for the higher prevalence of OSA in the non-obese population of Japan. Equally, alcohol usage, as well as a genetic variation altering the function of urate transporters, have been shown to predispose Asian populations, including those from Japan to a higher prevalence of hyperuricaemia and gout compared with European populations.73
The main methodological limitation of this work relates to the sparse evidence to describe and predict obesity-related complications in Japanese/East-Asian populations.
Based on our thorough targeted search, multivariable models are currently unavailable to predict the incidence of T2D nor ACS, two major obesity-related complications, in an East-Asian population. In the absence of fully adjusted models, it was impossible to consider unobserved or unreported patient characteristics interacting with the predicted outcomes. Probabilities in our model were thus derived by combining several sources, often a baseline risk with relative risks/OR per BMI unit increase, and where possible, an age-adjustment. Combining evidence from several sources is associated with further uncertainty. For example, T2D incidences in the J-ECOH study were estimated for a relatively young population, that is, of working age, while in the KoGES dataset, the average age at baseline was 52 years. Thus, an adjustment for age was added to the predicted incidences in both studies, which resulted in the two risk functions predicting similar cumulative incidences at 10 years. However, for the time being, it is unknown whether the same age trend would be replicated at all BMI levels. T2D tended to be underpredicted in cohorts with obesity and overpredicted in those with normal and preobesity weight; these results are deemed fair considering all uncertainties. The lack of an age-adjustment parameter may have caused some of the mispredictions in cancer, TKR and hyperuricaemia endpoints. The high uncertainty associated with the observed outcomes in people with obesity (BMI>30 kg/m2) and TKR in the source study may further explain the discrepancies noted on this endpoint.
A proper risk equation was available to predict the incidence of stroke, though not based on a Japanese population but on Chinese data, namely the China HNS. To address this, predictions in the COM were calibrated to reflect the distribution of haemorrhagic-to-ischaemic strokes from a Japanese study.38 Further CV event rates were calibrated using proportions (ACS:stroke and MI:UA) sourced from studies in Japan.40 41 CV events and all-cause mortality tended to be mildly underpredicted.
A fully adjusted model was also available to estimate OSA prevalence.50 The validation was limited since the source study did not provide raw prevalence rates by BMI levels. A systematic literature review in Asian individuals74 showed significant differences in OSA prevalence rates between studies in Japan, ranging from 3.7% to 97.3%, with these differences attributed to differences in age and BMI of the studied populations. These two factors were retained as independent predictors in the Park et al model, along with sex, T2D and hypertension.
With only two multivariable models identified, our study was limited by the lack of an Asian equivalent to the Framingham cohort. Involving Japanese/East-Asian populations in longitudinal, large-scale cohort studies evaluating obesity-related complications and relevant risk factors is critical to support future international research and health equity.
Another limitation is that changes over time in prediction variables are generally not reported in the source studies. Such is the case of glycaemic levels which are expected to influence the prediction of T2D, and more so in people with overweight and obesity. It is also uncertain how current changes in BMI may revert or delay the evolution of NAFLD, and how the rates of late-stage liver complications including decompensated cirrhosis, cancer and transplant, will be affected. Using the COM for Japan, the 10-year predicted rates of NAFLD complications were relatively low and changed little with changes in BMI, suggesting a conservative approach. Such uncertainty could be partly addressed via probabilistic sensitivity analyses within the COM.
Some complications listed by the JASSO were examined in the literature but were not included in the COM due to insufficient or inconclusive data regarding the existence of an association between obesity and an increased risk of, for example, the spectrum of menstrual disorders, severe CKD or end-stage renal failure. There were no Japanese or East-Asian studies to inform the link between endometriosis and BMI. Looking at international publications, a meta-analysis by Liu and Zhang75 reported a protective effect of obesity with regard to endometriosis: overall, the RR for endometriosis was 0.67 with each 5 kg/m² increase in BMI. In three Asian studies from Iran, the reduction of endometriosis risk was even stronger: RR 0.55 (95% CI 0.46 to 0.65) per 5 kg/m² increase. A Korean study also reported a protective effect: women with advanced-stage endometriosis had lower BMIs than those with minimal or mild disease.76 Considering the current evidence, this complication was not included in the Japanese COM.
Finally, and as a general limitation of this work, it was not possible to include other measures of adiposity, aside from BMI, such as abdominal circumference, waist-to-hip ratio and abdominal circumference-to-height ratio, which may better predict CVD and CV mortality,77 78 due to currently insufficient data on their association with the herein considered clinical endpoint, and more empirical evidence around this will be needed to allow incorporation of such measures into the COM. Collecting a broader range of adiposity indicators in future studies of obesity-related complications would greatly enhance the assessment of health and economic impact of obesity across geographical locations and ethnicities.
In conclusion, this study is relevant for obesity-related research in anticipating future events and analysing the impact of therapeutic interventions on the occurrence of complications as well as on their health and economic outcomes in Japan. This model may also be more readily adapted to other East-Asian countries compared with the Western model, although this may require further adjustments and validation.