Nearly half the world’s population uses solid fuels for heating and cooking and almost 1 billion rely on kerosene lamps to light their homes.1 In low/middle-income countries (LMICs), exposure to household air pollution (HAP) associated with burning biomass fuels is the fourth largest risk factor for burden of disease causing 2.3 million premature deaths annually.2 3 Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top ten causes of death globally and is the second leading cause of death from an infectious agent after SARS-CoV-1.4 Ninety-five per cent of all TB deaths are in LMICs. People who suffer from other health conditions, (eg, HIV, alcoholism) including some associated with HAP, are at greater risk for contracting TB.4 While the evidence base for the causal relationship between HAP exposure and a number of other health outcomes is well established,1 5 6 there is no broad consensus on the relationship between HAP exposure and pulmonary TB.7 8
Malawi is a critical case for examining the connection between HAP and TB. TB remains a major public health problem in Malawi and is among the top ten mortality causing diseases in the country. Since Malawi began implementing the Directly Observed Therapy strategy, TB case notification increased steadily, most notably from 1995 to 2003 when it reached its peak. After 2003, TB cases have trended downward, decreasing from nearly 50 000 notified cases in 2003 to about 30 000 notified cases in 2010.9 In 2020, the number of notified cases was 26 000. Incidence of tuberculosis in Malawi fell gradually from 401 cases per 100 000 people in 2002 to 132 cases per 100 000 people in 2021.10 The rapid scale-up of antiretroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS contributed to the declining case notification, with over 300 000 patients on antiretroviral drugs by 2010 and 800 000 by 2021. Contact tracing occurs in Malawi for household contacts under 5 years of age and for all contacts to multi-drug resistant TB cases. HAP exposure is high in urban Malawi due to limited access to modern lighting and cooking infrastructure. Kerosene (paraffin), a hypothesised risk factor for TB,11 is widely used for lighting,1 and there is almost universal reliance on biomass fuels including charcoal and firewood for cooking.12 The coincidence of these two risk factors makes Malawi an excellent place to study the association between HAP and TB.
From a biomedical perspective, HAP, specifically particulate matter, can be involved in the reactivation of TB through impairing macrophage and respiratory epithelial cell function, as shown in several studies,13–16 however, evidence on the relationship between HAP and TB is mixed. Two systematic reviews conducted in 2012 found evidence of an association between HAP and TB.7 8 Sumpter and Chandramohan identified a positive association between HAP and TB (N=13, pooled OR 1.30, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.62) as did Kurmi et al (N=10, pooled OR 1.55, 95% CI 1.11 to 2.18). However, a more recent review in 201417 critiques previous reviews asserting evidence supporting the association between domestic use of solid fuels and TB risk is weak. Lin et al highlight a number of weaknesses in the Sumpter and Chandramohan review including a lack of direct measures of exposure, insufficient consideration of confounding demographic and socioeconomic variables, and reliance on non-population based controls in hospital case–control studies.17 They find no evidence of an association between HAP and TB in cross-sectional (N=5, pooled OR 1.17, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.65) or case–control (N=10, pooled OR 1.62, 95% CI 0.89 to 2.93) studies. Simkovich et al summarise information currently known about the relationship between HAP and TB highlighting only one additional study published since the Lin et al review, and also conclude that there is no clear relationship between HAP and TB.18 Obore et al conduct a meta-analysis and find a 68% increase in TB risk among people exposed to HAP (pooled risk ratio 1.68, 95% CI 0.91 to 2.74), but they acknowledge there is considerable heterogeneity in the studies that were included.19
While the general relationship between HAP and TB remains unclear, recent studies point specifically to the use of kerosene as a risk factor for TB. Elf et al found that wood fuel use in India was not associated with TB but that use of kerosene was.20 Patel et al and Pathak et al similarly found a relationship between TB risk and kerosene use in different study sites in India, and Albers et al established this relationship in Nepal.17 21 22
Even when studies analyse the role of kerosene separately from other fuels it remains uncommon to include measurements of pollutant exposure, which is fundamental to clarifying the causal pathway between HAP and TB. Two recent studies by Jafta et al and Elf et al were the first to our knowledge to use area concentrations of HAP to study this relationship.20 23 Jafta et al find no significant increase in the risk of childhood TB when exposed to particulate matter smaller than 10 µm in diameter (PM10) and/or nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Elf et al measure indoor concentrations of PM2.5.20 They find a relationship between kerosene use and TB that goes away after controlling for PM2.5 suggesting that the increase in PM2.5 is perhaps an important pathway between kerosene use and TB. The lack of conclusive evidence of a confirmed association between HAP exposure and risk of TB justifies the need for further studies, particularly those that consider the role of kerosene.
This study aims to fill several gaps identified in the literature by studying the relationship between HAP exposure and TB in adult women in Lilongwe’s high-density suburbs. Using a hospital and community-based case–control study design, we combine data on TB status from the Lilongwe District Tuberculosis Control Programme (cases) and community-based testing of TB and HIV status (controls); personal exposure and cooking area concentration measurements for carbon monoxide (CO) and PM2.5; and information from a structured sociodemographic and health survey including information on cooking, lighting, and other environmental exposures. This study is one of very few that incorporates direct measures of pollutants, and the first to do so in a sub-Saharan African context.
Our hypothesis is that any causal pathway between household behaviour regarding cooking and lighting, and TB runs through exposure to pollutants resulting from the incomplete combustion of solid fuels and kerosene, specifically PM2.5 and CO. We expect that if we find increased TB risk associated with cooking and lighting behaviour, this relationship will be attributable to increases in HAP. Incorporating these direct exposure measurements into the analysis of the relationship between HAP and TB is essential to clarifying the association and confirming the causal mechanism underlying the hypothesised relationship. We know of no other study on the relationship between HAP and TB that combines these diverse data sources to address the question of the mediating role that HAP plays in risk of contracting active TB.