Materials and methods
Developing the joint theory of change
Usually, a theory of change is developed in the context of a single new programme. For example, the National Institute of Health Research UK have developed a theory of change that illustrates how its Global Health Research programme aims to bring about its intended outcomes and impacts.8 A theory of change starts with identifying the goal of a programme and then working backwards to identify the anticipated outcomes and activities needed to achieve impact. However, in our case, the theory of change (including its vision and goal) had to be aligned to the existing strategies of the three programmes: each strategy was underpinned by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).9 The first step was, therefore, to determine the programmes’ joint vision and goal for their research capacity strengthening (RCS) efforts. After that, activities related to strengthening capacity for IR within each programme were identified and then the activities were reviewed and used to formulate joint outcomes and ultimate goals. Since all three programmes already had their own well-established activities and workplans, we adapted the traditional process for developing a theory of change for a new programme, so we focused especially on identifying the pathways that would lead to achieving their common goal of strengthening IR capacity. The programmes each provided documents that provided more details about each of their activities (online supplemental table S1). A joint theory of change was developed by two to three representatives from each of the three programmes (seven participants in total). They were selected to participate in the study because they were senior leaders and managers in their programmes with good overall knowledge and understanding of, and influence over, their programmes. They participated in a 2-day workshop facilitated by two external consultants with experience in developing theories of change. No patients or members of the public were involved in the design, conduct or reporting of this study.
Articulating the joint vision and goal
An iterative process was adopted starting with achieving agreement on draft wording for a single goal for all three programmes for strengthening IR capacity. Participants agreed that the vision for the theory of change should be rooted in the SDGs since these were the foundation for all the programmes. The programmes were especially aligned to SDGs 3 and 5 (ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages; achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls respectively) and SDG17 (strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development) since all the programmes’ activities, together and independently, were based on partnerships and intersectoral approaches. The final vision incorporated into the theory of change (figure 1)—‘ensure healthy lives, and promote well-being and equality through partnerships’—was therefore an amalgamation of these three SDGs.
Figure 1Theory of change for strengthening capacity in IR across three global health entities (AHPSR, HRP, TDR). AHPSR, Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research; HRP, the UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction; IR, implementation research; PH, public health; RCS, research capacity strengthening; SDG, sustainable development goal; TDR, UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank /WHO/ Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases.
The goal of the theory of change needed to align to the programmes’ existing strategies and to the WHO General Work Programme 13 which reflected two key principles that were important to the programmes—RCS and the role of knowledge translation, and the interface between research and policy.10 To reflect the vision of promotion of equality, the programmes’ representatives also incorporated the ‘leave no one behind’ approach.11 This aims to ‘eradicate poverty in all its forms, end discrimination and exclusion, and reduce the inequalities and vulnerabilities that leave people behind and undermine the potential of individuals and of humanity as a whole’. The final goal, which combined these perspectives and was also orientated towards IR, was ‘countries enabled to sustainably conduct, support and use IR which is aligned to the joint AHPSR/HRP/TDR aims and which "leaves no one behind" ’. This goal assumes that if countries can sustainably conduct, support and use IR, and if this research ‘leaves no one behind’ by considering how interventions impact on different groups within the population, the result will be an increased uptake of effective interventions in these countries. Underpinning this was an assumption that these interventions would in turn contribute to improved systems and health and well-being across the population (i.e. the vision).
Identifying each programme’s RCS IR activities and the pathways by which they lead to the outcomes
During the workshop, each programme described all their current activities in strengthening capacity for IR and the outcomes from these activities and categorised these according to the constituent parts of the goal. These activities fell into three broad pathways linking activities with the outcomes, goal and vision. These pathways were refined during workshop discussions and any disagreements and refinements were resolved through dialogue among all the participants. The pathways formed the basis of the joint theory of change (figure 1) and were: conducting IR, strengthening IR systems and utilising IR for public health priorities.
These pathways were interconnected and did not represent a linear process. For example, to achieve the outcomes related to the utilisation of IR, policy-makers need to also have their capacity to understand IR strengthened. A final phase of discussion considered factors outside the programmes’ control (i.e. ‘assumptions’) that might impact on their ability to achieve their goal. Examples included individuals trained in IR would be employed and retained in relevant posts, the benefits and multidisciplinary nature of IR were understood by key players, and the programmes would work together to achieve the goal of strengthening capacity for IR.
Pathways within the theory of change
Conduct IR
Activities related to RCS on this pathway highlighted the role of training in IR as a cornerstone for building research capacity. Each programme engaged with training in slightly different ways, with variations in the funding and delivery of training, and in the development of resources for IR training. Training activities supported by the three programmes would mainstream the principles of equality and multidisciplinary participation in the RCS activities and in the research resulting from this capacity strengthening.
By conducting contextually relevant IR, researchers can generate evidence on how to enhance effectivity of proven interventions in real-life settings, with research questions tailored to the context. Skills, knowledge and funding are a prerequisite to conduct IR. Consequently, this pathway covered funding and training in collaborative, priority-led IR which mainstreams gender/human rights/diversity, collation of resources to support this training, and identifying and obtaining funding for IR-RCS activities. If these activities were delivered as intended, the resulting outputs would be IR projects designed to meet priorities that are conducted by inclusive and equitable teams of in-country researchers and institutions, and which result in quality IR outputs such as papers and reports. As a result of training and mainstreaming of gender, human rights and diversity, this would lead to equitable evidence generation and research outputs which ‘leave no one behind’.
Strengthen IR systems
The activities and outcomes in this pathway are diverse and reflect the way in which each programme has designed its activities to meet the needs of their different global partners. The activities across all three programmes fell into five categories—facilitating priority-setting of IR activities with decision-makers; mentoring of institutional staff to deliver high-quality IT training; provision of small IR grants; tools and processes for ethics reviews; and the creation and coordination of IR-related networks. Participants recognised that research systems must be in place to support the conduct of IR and for the research to be delivered effectively. Research systems are complex with multiple components, and therefore, the contribution of the three programmes defined in this theory of change was largely focused on the alignment of IR projects to research questions that are prioritised by stakeholders and the strengthening of IR partnerships.
The activities required to achieve this outcome were, therefore, driven by mentoring and support of, and networking between, key players in research systems including key decision-makers, institutions, ethics committees and funders. If these activities were delivered as intended the expected outputs included the identification of research priorities, institutionalised and/or quality-assured training, projects delivered with appropriate research governance and IR networks.
Utilise IR for public health
Similar to ‘research systems’ (above) the activities in this pathway reflect the responses of each programme to requests for support from their global members and partners. Participants described the need for policy-makers to routinely seek research evidence when making policy decisions. They also recognised that to make this research accessible to policy-makers, they needed to enhance knowledge translation skills among the IR community. Consequently, this pathway reflected these different ways key public health players interact with IR so it can be used effectively in policy-making. Participants anticipated that engaging key public health decision-makers in IR, and driving a culture of demanding, funding and using IR, would result in more useful IR being undertaken and ultimately to changes to practice which would contribute to the vision articulated in the joint theory of change.
Across all three programmes these activities fell into three categories—training in dissemination of IR findings; helping key players to understand IR, designing grant calls that require researchers to collaborate with policy-makers and/or implementers to further develop this understanding; and supporting policy groups to drive demand and use of IR in public health. If delivered as intended this would result in researchers that are trained in dissemination, and policy-makers that understand the outputs of IR and are engaged in the research throughout. It would also enhance the generic research skills of individuals and positively contribute to their academic careers and promotions.
Using the theory of change to follow progress
After 18 months, the external facilitation team were able to use the joint theory of change as a framework against which to review changes in each programmes’ IR activities. Each programme provided documents (e.g. reports, journal articles, project briefs, website links) about their activities related to strengthening capacity for IR online supplemental table S1). The external team extracted information from these documents into a predesigned matrix based on the three pathways in the theory of change. At a joint workshop in 2021, the accuracy and interpretation of the extracted information was validated by the programmes and adaptations to their activities necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic were also captured.
Prior to developing their joint theory of change, each programme had already created their own global networks of training centres (RCS regional hubs for HRP and technical support centres for TDR) mainly in universities. The programmes entrust these centres to deliver training on IR. The training provided by the programmes on IR and other topics is delivered face to face or, increasingly, online and provides a range of options from short courses to postgraduate degree programmes (i.e. master’s and doctoral).
All three entities incorporated activities on gender, human rights and diversity into training courses and toolkits and with partners. HRP had already partnered with AHPSR, TDR, Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) and the HRP Alliance hub in the Americas to support research on sexual and reproductive health and rights and infectious diseases of poverty linked to mass migration in the Americas with a focus on RCS.
HRP and TDR embarked on assessing training needs regarding sex, gender and intersectionality. The three entities have jointly carried out needs assessments to determine the topics to be included in IR training courses and they all work to develop, communicate and support evidence-based policy and practice, and to promote capacity strengthening for IR through contribution and leadership in WHO guidelines (HRP), courses, frameworks, workshops and toolkits (AHPSR, HRP, TDR), by developing special journal issues (AHPSR, HRP) and academic publications (all).
To promote utilisation of implementation and other research, AHPSR and HRP insist that projects which they support must have relevance for and links to decision-makers or implementers. All three programmes have facilitated research priority setting in IR in their topic areas including through consultations and by providing supporting evidence such as peer-reviewed articles. Together programmes have provided support for IR projects on national priority topics through country-led IR programmes for universal health coverage (e.g. barriers to universal health coverage in Nepal).
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on activities to strengthen capacity for IR
The global reach and networks of the three programmes meant they were all well positioned to rapidly respond with COVID-19-related research. Early in the pandemic, most of the programmes’ training and workshops, which were delivered through regional institutions, moved online, though in some countries this was only for a few weeks. Some students’ projects became desk- rather than field-based and others were reorientated to undertake COVID-19 research. The programmes, and their training partners, largely managed to overcome initial challenges with online education delivery such as language barriers. For example, TDR’s online courses and toolkits for IR were made available in different languages and their partner institutions also provided additional language translations.
Throughout the pandemic, capacity strengthening continued to be a key goal for all three programmes. There were several examples of how they adapted their research focus to aspects of COVID-19 while simultaneously supporting IR capacity strengthening, often by embedded RCS in their COVID-19 research projects. Researchers in AHPSR’s partner institutions worked collaboratively with Ministry of Health staff to undertake data collection for their research alongside COVID-19 community sensitisation. AHPSR issued a call for demand-driven research focused on COVID-19 and facilitated rapid reviews that helped to shape the national response to the pandemic in four countries. HRP included their HRP Alliance partner institutions in >20 LMIC in COVID-19 and sexual and reproductive health and rights research projects, and combined this rapid research response with capacity strengthening.12–14 Through their partners, the HRP Alliance was also able to provide rapid inputs to the development of clinical management guidelines for COVID-1915 and contribute data to the WHO Global Clinical Platform for COVID-19.16