This is the first study, to our knowledge, examining if intervention targeting improves retention, engagement and abstinence outcomes among its intended audience and versus a majority racial/ethnic group. In a real-world assessment of Smokefree.gov text messaging smoking cessation interventions, targeting improved retention and engagement, but not abstinence, among Latinos. Whites outperformed Latino users of both targeted and non-targeted interventions in engagement and abstinence rates, indicating that targeting did not reduce disparities between Latinos and Whites. Results suggest that rather than relying solely on linguistic targeting, Latino-targeting interventions should incorporate cultural adaptations of their content to improve intervention outcomes and reduce smoking cessation disparities.30 High cellphone penetration among Latinos presents an opportunity to deliver text messaging smoking cessation interventions to offset their limited access to traditional smoking cessation aids and resources.4 5 Text messaging interventions are especially necessary for hard-to-reach populations that do not own smartphones (eg, foreign-born Latinos)31 or have limited digital literacy skills.32 Importantly, text messaging interventions support behavioural change techniques (eg, action cues) and allow sufficient tailoring and interactivity to engage users.33 However, text messaging remains an underused intervention platform despite its simplicity, widespread use, user familiarity, 98% open rate and low-cost scalability.33 34
Targeting improved retention and engagement. At 69% and 60%, retention was higher among SFTXTesp and SFTXT Latino users than among SFTXT White users (56%). Results reflect similar patterns where vulnerable groups (eg, Blacks, low socioeconomic smokers) remain in Smokefree.gov text messaging interventions.35 36 Our retention rates were lower than those reported for general behavioural health (eg, 86% in a meta-analysis of 19 randomised trials)10 and targeted smoking cessation (eg, 85% at 12-week follow-up in small-scale study)37 interventions. For engagement, response rates were higher among SFTXTesp Latino users than SFTXT Latino users, but Latinos were less engaged than Whites throughout the intervention. Measurement heterogeneity impedes comparisons across studies.24 For example, previous studies used programme completion,21 user-initiated text messages20 26 and survey responses26 as engagement metrics. Since intervention efficacy depends on retention and engagement,22 24–27 research is needed to identify user characteristics and intervention features associated with improved retention and engagement38 39 and to unpack the associations between retention, engagement and abstinence, especially given that retention and engagement did not translate to abstinence among Latinos (vs Whites) in our study.
Several results are worth highlighting regarding abstinence. First, by intervention end, overall abstinence among SFTXTesp and SFTXT intervention initiators was slightly lower than previously reported among SFTXT users (5.09% vs 7.2%).21 Among intervention completers, overall abstinence was 8.77% consistent with evidence of improved abstinence among SFTXT users who get the full treatment dose (12.9%).21 Consistent with literature,21 abstinence was attenuated at 1-month postintervention completion. Second, at 6.19% and 11.21%, abstinence rates among SFTXT hite intervention initiators and completers tracked closely those reported in the literature. Abstinence among SFTXTesp and SFTXT Latino users were roughly halved to 3.03% and 2.12% among intervention initiators and to 4.41% and 3.47% among intervention completers. Abstinence rates among SFTXTesp Latino users were lower than previously reported in pilot testing of targeted text messaging interventions for Latinos such as Quitxt (25.2%),17 Latino Kick Buts (30%)37 and Vive sin Tabaco… ¡Decídete! (40%).20 Third, abstinence rates were equivalent among SFTXTesp and SFTXT Latino users. Among intervention completers and those without missing data, SFTXTesp users underperformed their SFTXT counterparts on abstinence at various assessment times. Despite evidence that targeting improves intervention outcomes,10 SFTXTesp showed that relying on linguistic targeting only did not improve abstinence among its users compared with SFTXT White users.
Observed abstinence rates between SFTXTesp and SFTXT Latino users and between Latino and White users may suggest that linguistic targeting is insufficient to improve SFTXTesp efficacy. With cultural intervention adaptations being well received by intended populations,18 SFTXTesp content could emphasise Latino values (eg, familismo, respeto) and address Latino-specific factors related to smoking and cessation (eg, acculturative stress).40 The heterogeneity of Latino smokers presents an additional explanation for the observed abstinence outcomes. SFTXTesp Latino users were more likely to be older, male, from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and were less likely to smoke heavily (online supplemental table 11). This is particularly important given differences in smoking patterns among Latinos by sex, country of origin and acculturation,2 suggesting a need for tailoring to improve intervention efficacy above and beyond targeting.10 Lower abstinence rates among SFTXTesp (vs SFTXT) intervention completers and under a complete-case analysis could be attributed to the high percentage of abstinent Latinos SFTXTesp users who were excluded from the intervention completer and the complete-case datasets. Of those excluded from the completer dataset, 19.01% SFTXTesp Latino users (n=116 abstinent/ 610 excluded), 7.11% SFTXT Latino users (n=94/1322) and 23.54% SFTXT white users (n=1081/4591) were abstinent. Of those excluded from the complete-case dataset, 40.06% SFTXTesp Latino users (n=242 abstinent/ 604 excluded), 14% SFTXT Latino users (n=7/50) and 27.27% SFTXT White users (n=3/11) were abstinent.
Smokefree.gov interventions should allow each user to further tailor the intervention based on a unique set of outcome or behaviour related factors, which could further improve efficacy of targeted interventions.10 15 (CF29 Elements for content tailoring could include smoking frequency, intensity and prior quit attempts where Smokefree.gov interventions would allow for tailored message frequency, timing and content based on smokers’ input at baseline. Future research should explore whether a preparation phase is beneficial given that we found longer prequit times were associated with worse intervention outcomes,9 and solicit qualitative feedback from SFTXTesp and SFTXT Latino users who (un)successfully used the intervention on how to improve retention, engagement and abstinence.30 Finally, future research should re-evaluate intervention outcomes for SFTXTesp and SFTXT since both interventions are updated periodically (eg, in 2019 after data were pulled for this study).
Strengths of the study include reporting on a real-world assessment of Latino-targeting SFTXTesp text messaging smoking cessation intervention. The unique parallels between SFTXTesp and SFTXT afforded a quasi-experimental design to examine whether targeting improves intervention outcomes among its intended Latino population and when compared with Whites. Although Latinos were not randomly assigned to either SFTXTesp or SFTXT, comparisons of targeted versus non-targeted interventions have been typically limited to the target population (eg, Latinos) and have been researcher-controlled studies with incentivised participation. Limitations include unmeasured factors (eg, nicotine dependence) that could have impacted intervention outcomes. Drop-outs were users who actively texted ‘STOP’ or for whom text messages were undeliverable but did not include passive drop-out where users disengage from the intervention, potentially inflating retention. Drop-outs were considered smokers in intention-to-treat analysis. However, users could have dropped out because they had already quit smoking.37 Engagement and abstinence rates for each assessment time point were independent of prior or subsequent assessment points. Accordingly, we could not capture disengagement/reengagement, continued abstinence or relapses. Using response to smoking status prompts as an engagement metric could underestimate engagement among users who were not abstinent.26 Other factors could have been used as engagement metrics (eg, user-initiated text). Abstinence was self-reported and short-term. Users with >1 quit attempt had longer prequit time that reflected time from signup to quit day (rather than quit day reset date). SFTXTesp had a high percentage of missingness. However, we imputed missing data and ran sensitivity analyses using intervention completer and complete-case datasets.
SFTXTesp, a Latino-targeting text messaging smoking cessation intervention, resulted in higher retention and engagement rates among its users than among Latino users of SFTXT, a non-targeted intervention. Linguistic targeting did not improve abstinence among Latinos or reduce disparities between Latinos and Whites in engagement and abstinence rates. Cultural adaptation and tailoring are necessary to maximise the efficacy of targeted smoking cessation interventions.