Our study is the first comprehensive research study detailing the aetiologies of AFI in a cohort of hospitalised patients in Sri Lanka. We used gold-standard diagnostic testing for dengue, RSVs, leptospirosis, rickettsiae, scrub typhus and Q fever to ascertain the aetiology of AFI. We were able to identify a specific aetiology for AFI in two-thirds of patients in a setting where malaria is non-endemic. Despite the study being conducted prior to the emergence SARS-CoV-2, the majority of cases were due to viruses including dengue and RSVs. Bacterial infections, including leptospirosis and rickettsial infections, were identified in a smaller but important proportion of the cohort (16%). We found that several clinical and basic laboratory features were associated with dengue and leptospirosis, but in the majority of cases, clinical findings were indistinguishable between aetiologies. Sensitivity of clinical diagnosis for dengue, respiratory viral infection and leptospirosis was close to 50%, while that for rickettsial infections was very low (10%). Our results show that the sensitivity of clinical diagnosis was low for diseases of low prevalence in our setting, as would be expected. According to our findings, there is an opportunity to improve the clinical diagnosis of AFI for appropriate management. We identified clinical and laboratory markers that were associated with specific aetiologies of AFI and confirmed using gold-standard laboratory testing. These disease-specific identifiers, in conjunction with real-time regional disease surveillance data and low-cost POC tests, could be incorporated into clinical decision-making algorithms for improved diagnosis and management of AFI. These algorithms could be digitised and applied to comparable settings where multiple pathogens causing AFI are present.
We identified an aetiology in two-thirds of our AFI cohort, with more than 50% of identified illnesses being viral. The two most commonly identified viruses were DENV and influenza virus. The most common bacterial infections were leptospirosis and scrub typhus. Coinfections were identified in 5% of our cohort. Overall, one-third of our cohort did not have an identifiable aetiology for AFI. Very few other studies globally have conducted exhaustive, gold-standard testing to identify aetiologies of AFI, and many studies have not collected convalescent sera, which is necessary for confirming aetiologies serologically. Compared with many other studies of AFI worldwide, our study identified a higher proportion of aetiological agents of AFI. In Northern Tanzania where malaria was uncommon (1.6%), bacterial zoonoses and arboviruses were prevalent among children and adults admitted with AFI and 50% of the cohort remained undiagnosed despite comprehensive testing for bacteraemia, brucella, leptospirosis, Q fever, arboviruses, and SFGR and TGR.17 In an Indonesian cohort of children and adults hospitalised with AFI, an aetiology was identified in 67.5% of patients and the most common aetiological agents were dengue, Salmonella spp and Rickettsia spp.18 In a prospective study of 8996 Puerto Rican children and adults presenting to an emergency room with AFI, chikungunya, influenza A/B and dengue were the most common aetiologies and 54.8% had a pathogen identified.19 We were able to confirm an aetiology in a majority of our cohort with the deployment of rigorous laboratory methods, including the use of multiple tests to confirm a single aetiology, gold-standard testing at reference laboratories, and paired serologic testing given our high rate of convalescent follow-up. We found that viral infections were the most likely to lead to hospitalisation for AFI, even prior to the global pandemic due to COVID-19.
Certain epidemiological and clinical features were associated with specific aetiologies of AFI. We found that history of travel, higher temperature, flushing on examination, leucopenia, thrombocytopaenia and elevated transaminases were associated with dengue compared with other aetiologies. Such features have been commonly reported in the literature.20–22 Exposure to standing water or mud, conjunctival injection and jaundice were associated with a diagnosis of leptospirosis, as previously reported in the literature.23–25 As expected, patients with respiratory viral infection were more likely to report rhinitis/congestion, cough and lung crackles compared with patients with other aetiologies. Patients with rickettsial infection were more likely to be female and to present later in illness compared with other aetiologies. Patients with rickettsial infection commonly had headache, anorexia and fatigue (>70%), consistent with the literature, but these symptoms were also identified in the majority of other patients with AFI.26 27 We expected patients with rickettsial infections to have eschar, but this was not frequently documented in the medical record and may be due to unrecognised lesions given the painless nature of lesions and their propensity for warm, covered areas such as under the breasts, axillae or groin. Others have also shown that eschar may be found in only a minority of patients with rickettsial infections such as scrub typhus and SFG rickettsioses.26 28 Our findings indicate that eschar may not be a defining feature in identifying rickettsial infection, and may be the reason for poor clinical sensitivity for rickettsial infection.
Overall, our study demonstrated that the sensitivity of physicians’ clinical diagnosis was low for all AFI aetiologies. This fact could be related to the non-discriminatory and overlapping clinical features of AFI diagnoses. We found a high prevalence of inappropriate antibiotic use in our cohort, with both overuse of antibiotics for viral infections and underuse of antibiotics for bacterial infections. Clinicians in this and comparable settings may feel compelled to treat patients presenting with acute fever with antibiotics until a specific diagnosis is arrived at with investigations. Our study highlights the need for data-driven, diagnostic algorithms incorporating multiple elements such as real-time regional surveillance data, patients’ epidemiological and clinical features, basic laboratory test results such as white cell count and low-cost POC tests such as dengue NS1 and rapid influenza antigen tests for optimising AFI management. Others have initiated work developing diagnostic algorithms in settings where AFI is prevalent. In Africa and Asia, Salami et al proposed a clinical trial for treating AFI using an algorithm of POC pathogen and biomarker testing.29 For low-resource settings, Brintz et al proposed a modular approach integrating epidemiological data, clinical information and a POC test to predict bacterial versus viral diarrhoea.30 In Tanzania, Keitel et al developed a novel electronic algorithm (e-POCT) with POC pathogen and biomarker tests for children with AFI, and found that it was safe and reduced antibacterial use.31
The strengths of our study include unbiased, consecutive recruitment of both children and adults admitted to a tertiary care hospital. In addition, we used rigorous, gold-standard testing and were able to complete convalescent sampling and testing in a very high proportion of our cohort. Limitations of our study include the lack of blood cultures based on our prior experience and exclusion of focal bacterial infections. Furthermore, we only studied hospitalised patients with AFI, thus our results are not generalisable to ambulatory patients. In addition, we were not able to conduct advanced molecular testing to confirm aetiologies in the remainder of our cohort. Finally, we were not able to conduct testing for all aetiologies in all patients given limited resources and availability of serum. Our estimates regarding prevalence of aetiologies would therefore be underestimates. Minority of viral infections can coinfect with bacteria. In this study, we did not gather any information to assess subsequent bacterial infections.
In conclusion, a definitive of aetiology can be identified in a majority of patients with AFI when using comprehensive, gold-standard testing which is not feasible in a clinical setting. Availability of a few reliable, rapid POC tests will help distinguishing between AFI which present acutely with overlapping clinical features. Given the poor sensitivity of clinical diagnosis, new tools need to be explored to bridge the gap. Diagnostic and management algorithms for AFI that are data driven are currently in development, and this study provides a decisive evidence base for comparable settings.