Autosomal dominant familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is caused by a heterozygous DNA variant in either LDLR, APOB, PCSK9 or APOE genes, leading to defective clearance of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C).1–5 Affected individuals have an increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) at all ages: standardised incidence ratios for CHD in men and women are 11.1 and 17.3 at ages 25–39, 6.7 and 8.7 at 40–49, 3.3 and 4.5 at 50–59, and 3.3 and 3.1 at 60–69.6 Once diagnosed, especially at a young age, people with FH can benefit from drugs to lower LDL-C and reduce the risk of a coronary event.7–9
Adults with autosomal dominant FH have a higher risk of CHD than people who have a similar LDL-C but without a causative genetic variant.10 Moreover, first-degree relatives of people with autosomal dominant FH have a one in two chance of carrying the same causative genetic variant and can be identified by cascade testing in families of index cases.11–13 Because FH cases are currently identified opportunistically rather than systematically, either when presenting with CHD at a young age, or after an incidental finding of an elevated LDL-C concentration, cascade testing is constrained by the small number of index cases identified.
Consequently, FH is highly underdiagnosed worldwide.14 In the UK, only 19 000 (7%) of the estimated 270 000 FH cases are known.15 16 The National Health Service (NHS) Long Term plan sets a target of detecting at least 25% of FH cases (~49 000 additional cases) over the next 5 years, but does not specify a screening strategy.17 Measurement of circulating LDL-C concentration in adults performs poorly when used alone in distinguishing people with an FH genetic variant from those with a high LDL-C due to diet, lifestyle, or carriage of a high burden of common genetic variants that affect LDL-C concentration.18 19 LDL-C concentration in children differentiates people with FH more accurately than in adults and underpins the concept of childhood screening followed by cascade testing.12 In the latter approach, children are screened by the age of 2 years by measurement of LDL-C, followed by genetic testing of stored samples with an LDL-C beyond a prespecified cut-off (‘reflex screening’).20 21 Affected parents, older siblings and grandparents (three generations) are then identified by cascade testing in families of affected children.
The feasibility and efficiency of childhood screening was reported previously,20 and several countries are now running pilot studies.22 However, a 2019, review by UK National Screening Committee concluded screening is not recommended in childhood, mainly because of uncertainty regarding the long-term benefit and the age at which screening should occur though these concerns were countered.23 24 Statin treatment in children carrying an FH variant should be considered by the age of 8 years according to the European recommendations, or by the age of 10 years as per UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines.9 25
Different genes and DNA variants will cause FH in different families. Thus, sequencing of the four relevant FH-causing genes is needed to identify the causative variant in an index case after which cheaper single-mutation detection methods can be employed for cascade testing of family members.26 Although DNA sequencing is more accurate than biochemical screening, and could be used at any age, it is currently too expensive to be considered as the primary screening method for FH.
An approach that minimises sequencing burden while avoiding concern about FH screening in childhood is a two-stage adult screening design. LDL-C, an inexpensive but unspecific test is measured at stage 1, followed by sequencing of FH genes (stage 2) but only in those whose LDL-C concentration exceeds a specified cut-off, mitigating the currently high cost and limited availability of sequencing technologies. However, the performance of two-stage adult screening has not been evaluated or compared with childhood screening.
Participants in UK Biobank, a national, population-based cohort study, have already had LDL-C measurement and whole exome sequencing, which offers an opportunity to model the performance of two-stage adult population screening for FH. The age range of UK Biobank participants at recruitment overlaps with that of individuals who, until the COVID-19 pandemic, were invited to NHS Health Checks in England.27 NHS Health Checks evaluate a range of cardiovascular risk factors and blood is routinely drawn for the measurement of circulating lipid concentration. Since genomic sequencing could subsequently be undertaken from a stored blood sample in those with an LDL-C above a prespecified cut-off (adult reflex testing), the NHS Health Check programme, if it continues, could serve as a possible setting for an adult FH screening programme.
Here, we model the performance of two-stage adult population screening to identify index FH cases and compare it with the previously reported performance of two-stage childhood screening for FH.12 20